Table of Contents

The minutia is burying even me. But there might be something here someone needs to see, so I’m going to stick this post to the top as the start of a t.o.c.

Trying out epoxy, gluing sheer clamps. Day 1
Making clamps, gluing the side panels. Day 2
Gluing sheer clamps to side panels. Day 3
Gluing the bottom panels. Day 4
Sheer clamps, gluing, tapering. Day 5
Stitching the bottom panels. Day 6
Attaching the sides and bottom. Day 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, et seq (!)
Drilling the holes for stitching side and bottom. Day 9
Screwing the sheer clamps together at stem and stern. Day 10
Preparing the bulkheads. Day 10
“Adjusting” the bulkheads. Day 10, 13
Satisfying stitching at last. Day 13
Stitching is done, plans for suspending boat. Days 14-15
Boat is upright! Some issues to check on. Days 14-15
Tightening stitches, bulkheads placed. Day 16
Sheer clamps clamped, fillets filletted, seams taped. Day 17
It’s a boat! End pours done. Day 18
One mistake fixed, a surprise revealed. Day 19
Stitches out; sanding magic. Day 20
Prepping for glasswork, Days 21, 22
Slow down! Finding the right tools. Day 23
Fiberglass and two coats of epoxy on the hull. Day 24
Third coat, touchups, notes on filling the weave. Day 25
Even more touchups, gluing the deck beam. Day 26
Cutting the hole for the skeg, installing its receiver. Day 27
Cutting deck beam, sanding gunwales, fillets using cell-o-fill. Day 28
Consider: Long board sanding, pass-throughs, sliding rigger? Days 29, 30
Designing the rigger and tracks, false starts, the electric planer! Days 31- 35
More design evolution. Days 36-40
Making my intentions known. The results of all that thinking. Day 41
The first steps toward actually building the rowing machinery. Day 42
Joining the fore deck panels. Day 43
Planing the sheet clamps. Day 44
Installing the pass-throughs. Day 45
Think about sculls. Day 46
Cleaning up old oars, buying pieces. Day 47
Make the scull pins, too. Add flotation. Day 48
Epoxying the decks, thinking about an action cam. Day 49
Gathering more supplies. Day 50
Sculls are problematic, Plans A, B, C, and D then a flash of sanity. Days 51-53
The after deck is attached. The forward deck has issues. Day 54
Sculls are finished. Days 55-56
Decks are glued down, brass screws prove wrong. Day 57
Filling some gaps, cutting the decks to size. Days 58-59
Dowels replace screws. Sanding down for final epoxy coats. Day 60
Patches for stern and prow, pigments, sealing bulkheads. Day 61
I screwed up and begin to cope with surface “contamination.” Days 62-64
Playing in the splash box. Days 65-67
Finishing the splash box, starting and finishing the rigger. Days 68-73
Working out dimensions inside “The Office.” Day 74
The slide, a light at the end of the tunnel, a little calculation. Days 75-78
More on attaching the slide, some epoxy changes. Days 79-82
Long board sanding when the wx is too cool to epoxy. Days 83-84
It’s not that cool. Epoxy is finished. Drop in hardware prepared. Days 85-88
Mounting hardware installed in hull — it works! Days 89-92
Refining rowing machinery, more epoxy and some sanding. Days 93-95
Black accents go into the interior, one comes back out. Days 96-98
Varnish. This boat is now officially beautiful! Days 99-103
Energy recovery, building stretchers, and making a seat. Days 104-105